If you’re here, you already know granite is a great countertop material, a natural stone whose traits make it perfect for the kitchen. Nevertheless, we have put together a list of 13 facts on granite you probably never heard off that will boost the respect you have for the stone.
For some more information, especially on how to take care of your granite countertops, check out our definitive guide!
1 – Granite is the oldest igneous rock in the world
We’re talking 300 million years ago! When you take a granite slab home, you’re taking thousands of years of earths history.
2 – Granite is a plutonic rock
Have you ever heard of Pluto? Plutonic rocks take their name from the roman god of the underworld and wealth (precious stones).
Those are igneous rocks that solidified at great depth (many kilometers into the earth). Magma rises from underneath (bringing together minerals and precious metals) melting through older rocks and slowly cools down over thousands of years.
Plutonic rocks are the most common rocks on earth, and although not all of them are called granite, commercially it’s normal to see they called so.
3 – Granite’s white grains are feldspar
Feldspar makes up for over 50% of earth’s crust. You’ve got to respect that.
4 – Granite is named after its grain like pattern
The word “granite” derives from the Latin word “granum”, meaning “a coarse grain”.
5 – Granite is ultra dense
With a specific weight of around 162 pounds per cubic foot, granite weights more than double its volume in water.
6 – Granite is one of the hardest substances found on earth
One of the few materials that can scratch granite is diamond.
7 – The pedestal of the Statue of Liberty is made from granite
No comments here. It’s just amazing!
8 – Granite was the reason the first commercial railroad in the US was built
Have you ever heard of the “Granite Railway” of Quincy, MA?
9 – Curling stones are made of granite
Apparently Scottish Island granite makes the best curling stones. More specifically Blue Hone granite, from the island of Ailsa Craig near Scotland.
10 – The third-highest mountain in the world is made of Granite
Its name is Kangchenjunga in the Himalayas, it’s altitude is 8,586 meters.
11 – Mount Rushmore is sculpted out of Granite
Another amusing and amazing fact.
12 – The Palacio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial is the largest solid granite building in the world
13 – Granite can actually damage knives
The main reason you should use a cutting pad when preparing food on granite is to protect your knives.
Wow! What a countertop material, right? One of the main reasons for choosing granite is all the natural depth and complexity it brings to your interiors.
Are you considering updating your countertops? Then check out our article: “Granite In The Kitchen: The Pros & Cons”.