Granite countertops are a standard home piece that puts all the style of the place together. It can be put either in the bathroom, the kitchen or even outside. If you don’t already own one, you are probably searching for one.
They are beautiful stones that have unique features from each cut, none are the same. Durable, stain and heat-resistant, this material is certainly one of the best choices for a place where we eat, cook and use daily.
But of course accidents happen, and can happen even to the best of the best quality granite. And although it is a low maintenance surface, it requires some care for it to last even longer. But in case it breaks, chips or cracks, what should you do? How to repair granite?
Keep reading, and you will find out everything you need to know!
Being able to repair it effectively and still make it last a long time is one of the many great perks of granite countertops. Do you want know some of its other perks? Then be sure to checkout our definitive guide on granite countertops!
Identifying what you are repairing
There are different kinds of damage that can be done to a granite piece. It can just chip, have fissures, crack or, in worst cases, break apart a complete piece of it. It is easy to differentiate a break from a chip, but in between things can get a little confusing. So here is how to identify what you are dealing with.
These are little pieces of the stone that literally chip out of the surface. They might even be really hard to notice. Usually happens at the corners or in spaces that suffer more friction. There is no need to fix it, unless it bothers you, it doesn’t mean any long term harm to the stone.
They are mostly natural. Typically happens around crystals in the granite, and they don’t go deep. They mean no harm to the integrity of the countertop, and in some cases can be only seen from an angle. In this case, it can not be extremely necessary to fix it.
Only less serious than breaks. If not taken care of right away, they might leave you with a great headache and a complete break. Feels and looks rough around the edges, and a coin or a key may get lost in it.
As soon as you see it, you will immediately search for how to repair it. But jokes aside, this is serious, and it can cause such damage to the granite that you might have to change it all. Mostly happens on stress areas, such as breakfast bars with no support, corners or near the sink.
Why did it crack?
There are a few reasons that can make your surface crack. It certainly won’t happen naturally, but with use and time. So you must be careful with it, and watch out for the problems ahead.
First, is the seal. Sealing your granite countertop at least once a year will keep the integrity of the stone for several years. Since this is a porous surface, water can be absorbed by it and cause mold. Food and grease can also be absorbed, and you won’t be able to remove them, causing stains and damage to the granite. Sealing is not an expensive or hard process, and it is worth it to keep your countertop shine and whole.
Now the support. The lack of support can be a terrible mistake when installing your granite piece. As mentioned, in areas like a breakfast bar, it is common to see it ranging from the edge with nothing underneath it to give it structure. So when a person leans on it or puts something heavy on top, cracking or breaking is bound to happen. And if it falls at someone, it can be awful.
Also, sudden temperature changes can cause huge damage in the stone. Of course, the granite can handle tough summers and cold hard winters, but you need to be careful. If you replace an ice-cold jar for a hot pot, you might crack the granite. Use trivets in every opportunity, so you don’t have to be the one warning everybody about this issue.
how to repair granite?
To do so, you will need a repairing kit that you can easily find online. Prepare the surface and apply the chemicals as the instructions say. In most cases epoxy is used, and it can have a strong smell so be sure to also have a mask.
This is a very famous DIY process, there are a lot of videos on how to do it. But before testing your luck with this new experience, maybe you should just trust a professional. That way you will be sure that:
- High-quality compounds that perfectly match the color of your stone will be used;
- The damaged area will be properly prepared to be repaired before the procedure, increasing the chance of success;
- It will be a less messy and more precise process.
After the repair, you must reseal the surface. This way, you guarantee that your granite countertop will hold up greatly for another several years.
how much does it cost?
This totally depends on the size of the problem. Chips and fissures will demand way less product than cracks and breaks. And in these cases we recommend a professional, it will be worth it.
A complete kit online can cost from U$30 to U$50, but you can find them in stores near you.
However, the best option is to leave this to a specialized team, in order to make sure the results will be perfect. If you live in Sarasota, our professionals are able and eager to help. Get in touch now for a free quote.